Rob Faircloth
Rob received his seminary training at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He is married to Carrie, and they have four children.
Alvin Kohlhepp
The youngest of four boys, Alvin grew up on a dairy farm west of Eau Claire that was home to his father and grandfather. He now operates the farm for grain production.
Alvin's wife, Cathy, is recently retired from teaching and remains involved in education. Alvin and Cathy have two grown sons, one of whom is married.
Alvin and Cathy have attended since 2001.
Nathan Borstad
Nate and his wife, Carla, have 6 children.
Brooks Lahti
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Jeff Leppert
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Seth Gilbert
Music Leader
A Software Engineer with a passion for Scripture and Apologetics.
Seth and his wife Anna have been attending Providence together since 2017.