Here you'll find many of the Bible studies, articles, and other printed resources we frequently refer to in our teaching. We hope that these are beneficial to help you grow in your walk with the Lord. Click on the link below each description to access the materials.
One Anothers
The care that believers are to have for others is reflected in the Bible's many "one another" commands. This list provides a handy reference.
Spiritual Disciplines
God saves us, and aims to make us more like Jesus. Practices that help us grow more like Christ are called "disciplines."
Gospel Threads
Here is one way for us to help remember the various elements of God's redemption story.
Firm Foundation
What is a disciple? How does one begin growing, and keep growing, in his walk with the Lord? The Firm Foundation provides some basics.
Disciple Making Plan
Every believer is called to make disciple-making disciples. This tool helps you think through the gospel and how it directs us to help others grow in Christ.
What is a Disciple?
Is there a "snapshot" or nutshell image of what a disciple of Jesus Christ looks like? Here's a description based on how a disciple relates to God, through Christ, in the Spirit.