Statement of Faith

Providence Baptist is a Christian fellowship, seeking to glorify God the Father, by being disciples of God the Son, Jesus Christ, and doing so in the power of God the Holy Spirit.

We are Evangelical, by which we mean that we hold a high view of the Scriptures as God's word, a high view of the gospel of Jesus Christ (the good news) as 'the power of God for salvation' to all men, and a high view of evangelism as the means to convey the good news to those who don't yet follow Jesus.

We are Baptistic, which means that we believe only those who have reached such an age and maturity that they can give a credible profession of faith in Jesus should be baptized, by immersion.

And, we are Reformed, which means, among other things, that we hold to the Five Solas of the Reformation (the "alones": Scripture alone, grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone, the glory of God alone) and to the Doctrines of Grace, and that we practice a multiple elder-led, congregational form of church structure and leadership.

Constitution & Bylaws

Providence's full Statement of Faith and Constitution/Bylaws can be downloaded by clicking here.


The Providence faith family welcomes everyone to attend our services and gatherings, even if you are not a member. However, we believe that the Bible assumes believers will join together with other believers in a local congregation, committing to one another that we will use our gifts, resources and passions in helping each other become more like Jesus Christ.

If you are considering whether to become a member, contact one of the elders or the church office for information. We like to take some time to explain various aspects of membership at Providence, including our Statement of Faith, our Church Covenant, our history, and some of the privileges and responsibilities of membership. We schedule membership classes periodically for that purpose.